Rather than going for a hero v/s villain plot or a series of usual cop-movie cliches, many sequences in this movie are a refreshing change from what we have seen in cop-movies made so far. Reality might not be entertaining for some, but it did keep me personally interested.Īction Hero Biju - Abrid Shine shows us a police officer hitherto unseen in the movies we have watched and takes us through his daily routine and the regular cases and petitions and other incidents that can happen in a Janamaithri police station. Congrats to Nivin on doing a nice movie as a producer first time around.

Malayalam cinema is indeed taking a turn for the better and my admiration to all these younger crop of directors who are leading the march to break the mould. Abrid as a film maker gets my respect and the movie has inspired me to believe in my movie. He might not be Bharat Chandran IPS but he definitely holds his own. SI Biju is a normal police officer and the movie stays true to the purpose of showing the life of a police officer in the flesh. But none of this gives you a feeling of boredom or feel like the sequence is artificially collated. The interior of the SI's room and the police station does take more than half of the time in terms of location too.

Except for the main protagonist and his 4 police colleagues, nobody takes screen space for more than 5 minutes. There are not major events which drives the movie, no over-the-top characters who dish out explosive dialogues, no visual extravaganza in terms of camera work but still it leaves a pleasant feeling within. Check out audience review on "Action Hero Biju" below:Īction Hero Biju is a movie which is to my liking for the sheer making style.