Their night out is interrupted by a phone call. Enjoying this spectacle is multi-millionaire casino owner Broddick ( Adam Kendrick) and his girlfriend Eve ( Angel Boris). I gave this movie 6 out of 10.Two masked wrestlers, one named "Boa" the other "Python", are grappling.

Not a bad movie overall, it's worth seeing if you got an hour and a half to spare. It didn't feel like either one had anything to do with the past at all. Also, I was unaware they had movies for both the Boa and the Python previously, so I didn't know this was another combination of two movie serpents in separate films. Angel Boris did do more than enough to compensate for Bergman with the T&A for this film though, so it wasn't a complete loss in that area. Not necessarily missing the nudity, although that would have been nice as she has a body better than most in Hollywood, but a little more in that area would have been nice. Gore" had stated in an earlier review, was natural beauty Jaime Bergman's lack of sexiness with her character. You have to admit, seeing a few of the bad guys having the life constricted out of them would have had a longer lasting effect than the quick snaps the snake was taking out of them and then seeing them unhinge their jaw to swallow a human whole would have been great to see as well, but, oh well, what can you do? One thing that was definitely missing, as my fellow reviewer "Dr. Wish I could tell you what it was, but it felt a little empty. Even after overlooking the fact that both Boas and Pythons are constrictors and don't bite off their food like a dog would, or leave half a body lying around, I still felt something was missing. The movie was missing something, however, even though I can't quite put my finger on it. I would love to have a snake like the red one in the move (smaller of course).

The contrast in color between the two snakes was a nice touch, too. I was totally into that, but they didn't really show them enough and, to be honest, they didn't really fight all that much either. Most of the time, the snakes looked real and very menacing. The movie was worth watching for most of the special effects.

I had pinned high hopes on this movie for two reasons.